We are an association of representative agencies specialized in the distribution of global hardware products in the Iberian territory, covering Spain, Portugal and Morocco. Our focus is on retail, DIY, building material and outdoor products.

We are an association of representative agencies specialized in the distribution of global hardware products in the Iberian territory, covering Spain, Portugal and Morocco. Our focus is on retail, DIY, building material and outdoor products.

Our proposal


Market Entry

We facilitate the entry of brands and products into the Iberian market, leveraging our proven experience and strategic partnerships as commercial agents and


Expansion and Growth

We help companies expand and grow in the region, ensuring high quality and visibility.


Market Penetration

We develop strategies to achieve a strong market presence, enabling beneficial collaborations with local retailers and distributors


Hardware & DIY Retail

We know the hardware retail market and the growing interest in DIY. We tailor our solutions to meet these needs.


Market Entry

We facilitate the entry of brands and products into the Iberian market, leveraging our proven experience and strategic partnerships as commercial agents and


Expansion and Growth

We help companies expand and grow in the region, ensuring high quality and visibility.


Market Penetration

We develop strategies to achieve a strong market presence, enabling beneficial collaborations with local retailers and distributors


Hardware & DIY Retail

We know the hardware retail market and the growing interest in DIY. We tailor our solutions to meet these needs.

Why Choose Us?

  • Proven Experience: Over the years, we have proven our ability to successfully position brands and products.
  • Networking: Our network of contacts in the retail and hardware industry allows us to build strong relationships.
  • Quality & Visibility: We strive to provide high-quality products that stand out and are visible in the market.
  • Strategic Partnerships: We work closely with retailers and distributors to achieve beneficial collaborations.

Why Choose Us?

  • Proven Experience: Over the years, we have proven our ability to successfully position brands and products.
  • Networking: Our network of contacts in the retail and hardware industry allows us to build strong relationships.
  • Quality & Visibility: We strive to provide high-quality products that stand out and are visible in the market.
  • Strategic Partnerships: We work closely with retailers and distributors to achieve beneficial collaborations.

Empresas representadas

In the Professional Distribution of our markets, we believe in the power of synergy.

Let us be your strategic partner to conquer the Iberian market! 🌟




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